Thursday, May 22, 2008

Family, Got to love them

Lauren and I went out to eat the other day after I got off work. I came directly from work so when we left I got to the house before her. I went to check the answering machine and there was a course a message from Nanny Champion. Now you have to understand that Nanny is not to knowledgeable of electronics, hence that David Wesley and I have to turn the TV on to CNN so that she can watch Larry King. Don't know why she watches that show anyway. So the message from Nanny was that she needs a perm before her and her friend go on a trip with Debbie and Jeff. This is how she put it.

LAUREN (she yells her name) Do you think I need a little curl before I go on this trip? I was just wondering. Charlotte said that she would give me one (starts whispering like Charlotte is in the next room but not) but she hasn't done it in a long time. And I don't want my hair to frizzy. (Regular voice)Well come over and give me a little curl if you think I need one.

I listen to it twice before Lauren gets home laughing the whole time and have to play it twice for her also. We immediately call Debbie and howl to her. Got to love family.

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